You are currently viewing The FACTIVE European Network for T&C Professionals and VET trainers and providers is online
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The FACTIVE community of practice for VET trainers and providers and for T&C Professionals is online on Linkedin.

Its aim is to create a virtual space open to trainers and professionals from the T&C sector  to share knowledge, ideas and solutions to improve T&C VET training.

Among the topics that will be discussed in this community there are:

  • Skills shortage in T&C
  • Innovative education and training methodologies
  • Drivers of change in the TCLF industries
  • Collaboration between VET and industries to shape curricula
  • How to attract young talents to TCLF industries
  • Covid-19 impact on the textile and clothing industries
  • Covid-19 impact on delivery of education and training

FACTIVE is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Commission under the call Strategic Partnerships for vocational and educational training, which aims to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in Textile and Clothing VET training by developing an innovative learning approach to improve the level and the assessment of learners’ competences and equalize the VET training quality to the modern, creative and innovative needs of the current Textile and Clothing industry in Europe. 

Join the community on Linkedin to connect with FACTIVE partners and many other organisations of the T&C and start shaping the future of T&C VET training.