Last week, from the 25th to the 27th of October, the FACTIVE consortium met to conclude some of the IOs and advance on the next ones. The journey began with the hosting partner, MODATEX, presenting their facilities. Then, the journey continued with an additional transnational project meeting where several aspects were discussed. Communication, presented by AEI Tèxtils; quality, presented by Cre.Thi.Dev., and management aspects, among others. Also, the IO6 – FACIVE Community Practice was updated by CIAPE.
Then, the consortium focused on the validation of the IO2, the FACTIVE learning methodology. STEP institute conducted a theoretical and a simulation case that enabled the partners to experiment, check and give the final validation to the IO.
Also, an update of the IO4 – FACTIVE Handbook, which will include guidelines for VET trainees, experts, and companies in how to apply this FACTIVE flipped classroom methodology (IO2), was presented by CITEVE. The discussion and clarification of the next steps of this IO concluded on the last day of the event.
The second day was about the IO3 – FACTIVE training toolkit validation. This IO consists of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that will allow students and trainers to learn, improve, and evaluate knowledge and skills. Link Campus University gave a theoretical lesson on flipped learning and ways to make it attractive, combining it with gamification. Moreover, the consortium had the chance to check and review the platform.
The last session, as mentioned, focused on the IO4 and the IO5 – Compendium of pilot testing reports. The IO4 discussions concluded after a workshop dynamized by CITEVE. The Institut de Terrassa conducted a discussion about the definition, tasks, and responsibilities of the IO5, which will compile several pilot trials of the whole FACTIVE flipped classroom experience.
The FACTIVE project is advancing on its objectives successfully, and the partnership agrees on the quality task everyone is doing, giving specific value to the communication and confidence among all of them.