You are currently viewing 4TH FACTIVE CONSORTIUM MEETING
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The 4 th, and last, FACTIVE consortium meeting was held in Villanova de  Farmalicão, Portugal, on the 21 st of September.
This final event was hosted by CITEVE and started with a presentation and a visit to CITEVE’s facilities. All partners could see how the innovation is linked with the textile sector and the synergies the centre has around the world.
Afterwards, some management aspects regarding to the finalisation of the projects were exposed by CITEVE, the project coordinator.
Then, the partners presented the conclusion of the last Intellectual Outputs and how did they work on them during the last six months of the project.
Particularly, the IO5, the Compendium of the Pilot Testing activities (implementation of the FACTIVE flipped classroom methodology with students) and the respective reports; the IO3, the Training Toolkit (learning structure and contents) and its upload in digital platforms; and the IO6, the FACTIVE Community Practice, a virtual space that gathers relevant stakeholders on education and textile industries to create knowledge and synergies on flipped classroom methodology.