CITEVE, Textile and Clothing Technological Center
CITEVE is the Technological Centre for the Portuguese Textile and Clothing Industry, created in 1989. As a private non-profit organization, it has 600 associated companies and more than 2000 customers. CITEVE's main activities are technology transfer, laboratorial analysis, IPR information, training, technical and vocational secondary education, certification & standardisation activities and R&D activities at national and European level.

MODATEX, Centro de Fomaçao Professional da Industria Textil Vestuario Confeccçao e Lanificios
MODATEX, Vocational Training Centre for the Textile, Apparel, Clothing Manufacturing and Wool Industries, was created in 2011 and its areas of activity include: Vocational Education and Training (initial and continuous, formal and non-formal), Provision of Expert Services (training and technical consultancy in companies of the textile and clothing industry), National and Transnational Projects, Workshops and Seminars.

STEP Institut, Institute for Occupational Psychology and Entrepreneurship
STEP Institute is a dynamic and innovative private non-profit organization dealing with people development. The heart of the organization represents a core team of five interdisciplinary experts, who work along with different external trainers and experts. STEP Institute's mission is to empower people by helping them to discover and nurture their talents, develop their professional and soft skills and realizing their entrepreneurial ideas into practice.

Link Campus University
Link Campus University is a private university located in Rome and operating since 1999. LCU’s undergraduate and graduate programs are highly innovative as they aim to shape outstanding professional figures in the world of work, through a diversified teaching approach enabling students to face the challenges of new occupations. LCU researchers involved in the FACTIVE project are focused especially on Innovative game-based education and training methodologies.

CIAPE, Centro italiano per l’apprendimento permanente
IT CIAPE carries out training activities to develop and validate soft skills, as well as competences required in the future labour market. The organization is a recognised European expert in Work Based Learning; coordinator of the European Network for Quality Apprenticeship; a recognised European organisation for the training of trainers; an active member of CEDEFOP "European Qualifications Framework - Credit Transfer In VET" and of the "Quality Assurance in VET" communities. Moreover, CIAPE is skilled in learning methods calibrated to learners’ exigencies.

IVOC&IREC, Insituut voor Vorming en Onderzoek in de Confectie – Institut pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement dans la Confection
IVOC is a jointly managed training centre for the Belgian ready-made clothing and upholstery companies. IVOC offers a wide range of training courses, including both technical and general topics, and supports the implementation of company training plans. Annually, IVOC supports the training of more than 3.000 workers from the Belgian clothing industry. IVOC collaborates with many Belgian schools and training centres with a fashion department.

CRE.THI.DEV, Creative thinking development
CRE.THI.DEV. is a Greek non-profit company aiming at community development through research and development of action plans, focused on the local and social economies, mainly on the fields of life-long learning, employment, sports, environmental protection and local development. The company establishes close cooperation with local and regional authorities, government authorities and business associations in order to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development through research projects.

AEI Tèxtils, Associació Agrupació d’Empreses Innovadores Tèxtils
AEI TÈXTILS is the Catalan technical textiles’ cluster with a non-profit association structure. Its mission is to promote innovation with the aim of improving the competitiveness of its members, as well as cooperation, complementarity and communication among them. Its members comprise SMEs of the whole manufacturing chain of technical textiles, universities, research centers, textile trade associations and other kind or organizations related to the field

Institut de Terrassa
Institut de Terrassa is a secondary school with over 1800 students and 150 teachers. Nowadays the school offers general secondary education for pupils from 12 to 16 years (ESO); courses that prepare our students for university in the fields of science and humanities (Batxillerat) and vocational training courses from five professional families: finance, electronics, hair and beauty, chemistry and textiles. The textiles department is one of the strongest in the school, offering level 4 and 5 courses on fashion and sewing, textiles production and finishings and fabric and textiles design.