Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Industry

Course Learning Objectives

The textile sector has a significant impact on the environment, from numerous points of view:

  • development of fast fashion with higher production of low-quality clothes;
  • textiles that become waste instead of being recycled;
  • pollutant production methods and technologies;
  • linear business models

For this reason, the FACTIVE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aims to analyse the textile and clothing industry from a sustainability point of view, with a particular focus on the new processes, business models and technologies that can be used for an improvement of the environmental impact of the T&C sector.

Course Structure

The course is divided into several learning units. Each learning unit consists of:

  • Video lectures, each with a duration of 3-5 minutes, focusing on a specific aspect of the learning unit subject.
  • Quizzes, to reinforce your learning and to help you self-evaluate your level of knowledge
    of the learning unit contents.
  • Resources/materials: to provide you with further readings, relevant open educational resources, link to online websites, etc.

If you want to have a look at the complete course table of contents click here.