During the 24 months of the project, the consortium will merge its efforts to achieve the following results:
- A field research, as specific as possible, aiming to identify the main needed skills of European Textile and Clothing enterprises (specific focus will be dedicated to SMEs), with a focus on non-technological innovation and internationalisation (IO1);
- The definition of a flipped classroom methodology (IO2) specifically designed to overcome the limits of traditional VET training approaches;
- The design and development of a Training Toolkit, including:
- a MOOC programme (IO3) that will expand the topics already dealt with in the TECLO MOOC, according to the field research results;
- a Handbook containing guidelines for VET teachers and VET trainers interested in adopting the FACTIVE approach (IO4);
- a Compendium of the most relevant results achieved during the piloting phase of the FACTIVE Training Toolkit (IO5).
- A community of practice for VET trainers and providers, specifically focused on T&C VET education.